

Maya Angelou once said…

“History is not just a path left by the past. It is a light that illuminates the present and directs attention toward the possibilities of the future.”

(American memoirist, poet, and civil rights activist.)



Sankofa is an African concept that translates to "go back and get it," symbolizing the importance of reaching back to our roots to gain the wisdom necessary to secure our future.

It teaches that our past experiences and heritage are not just memories but are essential guides that inform our decisions and actions in the present and future.

This principle encourages individuals and communities to reflect on their history, learn from it, and use those lessons to shape a better tomorrow, embodying the idea that true progress involves a harmonious balance between past wisdom and future aspirations.


Ancient Temples … In Transit?

The Abu Simbel temples, originally carved out of a mountainside during the reign of Pharaoh Ramesses II in the 13th century BCE, are among the most magnificent monuments of ancient Egypt.

However, the construction of the Aswan High Dam in the early 1960s to control flooding, improve irrigation, and generate hydroelectricity threatened to submerge these irreplaceable archaeological treasures under the rising waters of Lake Nasser.

Recognizing the impending loss of a significant part of humanity's cultural heritage, UNESCO launched an international appeal in 1960 to save the monuments. The solution was as groundbreaking as it was daring: the temples would be cut into large blocks, carefully dismantled, lifted, and then reassembled on a new site located 65 meters higher and 200 meters back from the river.

This massive undertaking required international expertise and a budget of about $40 million (equivalent to over $300 million today), funded by donations from over 50 countries.

The operation began in 1964 and was completed in 1968. It involved cutting the temples into over 1,000 blocks, each weighing up to 30 tons, and reconstructing them precisely to maintain their historical accuracy and architectural integrity.

The successful relocation of the Abu Simbel temples is not just a story of technological triumph but also a powerful testament to the global community's commitment to preserving cultural heritage.

This monumental effort ensured that the awe-inspiring legacy of ancient Egypt's builders would continue to inspire and educate people from all over the world, serving as a lasting example of the value we place on connecting with our historical roots.

Today, the temples stand as a symbol of humanity's resilience and our collective dedication to preserving our shared history.

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