

ToveMaren Stakkestad once said…

“Hygge was never meant to be translated. It was meant to be felt.”

(Danish-American writer.)



Hygge (pronounced "hoo-ga") is a Danish concept that encapsulates a feeling of cozy contentment and well-being through enjoying the simple things in life.

Originating in Danish culture, hygge is often associated with relaxing and comfortable atmospheres, fostering a sense of warmth, connection, and contentment.

It's not just a word but a philosophy that emphasizes the importance of simplicity, togetherness, and appreciating the small joys of everyday life.


The Danish … Secret?

In 2016, amid rising urban stress in Copenhagen, the Happiness Research Institute embarked on a unique study to quantify the impact of “hygge” on well-being.

The study involved Copenhagen residents, divided into two groups:

The hygge group was instructed to incorporate specific hygge-related activities into their daily lives, while the control group maintained their usual routines.

The hygge group participants were encouraged to embrace practices like lighting candles to create a soothing atmosphere, preparing and sharing home-cooked meals with friends and family, dedicating time for leisurely walks in nature, engaging in casual and enjoyable reading, and arranging cozy nooks in their homes for relaxation and reflection.

After several weeks, the data revealed remarkable findings.

Participants in the hygge group reported a 23% increase in overall happiness levels, compared to a nominal change in the control group. They also reported a 15% reduction in stress indicators and a significant improvement in social connections, feeling more in tune with their communities and friends.

Moreover, the hygge group noted an enhanced sense of mindfulness and appreciation for daily life.

Participants found joy in simple activities like brewing a cup of tea or wrapping themselves in a warm blanket on a chilly evening. The study highlighted that embracing hygge—the art of creating warmth, simplicity, and mindfulness—could lead to substantial improvements in mental health and overall life satisfaction.

This study by the Happiness Research Institute presented a scientifically backed testament to the Danish tradition, affirming that finding comfort and joy in life's small moments is not just a cultural peculiarity but a viable route to greater happiness.

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Via Negativa